Kings and Generals - Season 3
Animated YouTube series which explores major historical events and figures. Each episodes focuses on a different topic, although Kings and Generals has made several mini-series based on complex historical events like wars. The series often focuses on warfare and battles, in addition to topic like economic and social history. Different animators have worked on the show throughout its history.
First Air Date: Aug 06, 2017
Last Air date: Aug 31, 2021
Season: 5 Season
Episode: 408 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 0.00/10 by 0.00 users
Popularity: 1.528
Language: English
Ancient Greek Kingdom in India
Caesar vs Ariovistus: Battle of Vosges 58 BC
Frederick III - German Emperor who could have Stopped the World Wars
Battles of Bailen and Tudela 1808 - Napoleonic Wars
An Lushan Rebellion - One of the Bloodiest Conflicts in History
Siege of Rhodes 1522 - Ottoman Wars
Caesar vs Belgae: Battles of Axona and Sabis 57 BC
How the Romans Stole Silk Production Secrets from China
Battle of Guandu 200 - Three Kingdoms
Why were the Iranian Empires so Successful?
Sack of Constantinople 1204 - Fourth Crusade
Teutoburg Forest 9 AD - Roman-Germanic Wars
Battles of Somosierra and Corunna 1808-1809 - Napoleonic Wars
Battle of Mohacs 1526 - Ottoman Wars
Yasuke: Story of the African Samurai in Japan
Military Reforms of Augustus
Sejanus: Almost the Roman Emperor
Pyrrhus: Before Rome
Rise of Sumer: Cradle of Civilization
Falklands War 1982
Battle of Heraclea 280 BC - Pyrrhic Wars
Why Was Egypt Crucial for the Roman Empire?
Sun Ce and Establishment of Eastern Wu - Three Kingdoms
Idistaviso 16 AD - Roman-Germanic Wars
Pyrrhus vs. Romans and Carthaginians
Caesar in Britannia and Germania
Ashoka the Great - Rise of the Mauryan Empire
Pyrrhus: Against Everyone
How Roman trade with India made the Empire rich
Siege of Vienna 1529 - Ottoman Wars
Rise and Fall of the Akkadian Empire
Red Cliffs and Jiangling 208 - Three Kingdoms
Roman Armies and Tactics: Praetorians
Gergovia 52 BC - Caesar's First Defeat
Roman Trade with Africa
Preveza 1538 - Ottoman Wars
Emperor Taizong and the Rise of the Tang Dynasty
Siege of Damascus 634 - Arab - Byzantine Wars
Watling Street 60 AD - Boudica's Revolt
Cyprus Crisis 1974
Varangians - Elite Bodyguards of the Byzantine Emperors
Napoleonic Wars - Battle of Eckmühl 1809
Nisibis 217 AD - Roman–Parthian War
Amorite Kingdoms and the Sumerian Renaissance - Ancient Mesopotamia
Ottoman Wars - Battles of Gorjani and Castelnuovo 1537
Darius I and The Greatest Lie in History
Thirty Years' War - White Mountain 1620
Carrhae 53 BC - Roman–Parthian War
Alesia 52 BC - Caesar's Gallic Wars
Tecumseh: The Native American Resistance
Gallipoli 1915 - The Great War
Napoleonic Wars - Battle of Aspern-Essling 1809
Third Crusade - the Beginning
Thirty Years' War - Danish Intervention 1626-1629
Rise of Jin and the War of the Eight Princes
Mongols: Invasions of Japan 1274 and 1281
Roman Slave Rebellions: First Servile War
Ottoman Wars - Siege of Buda 1541 and Eger 1552
Huns: The Origin
Korean War 1950-1953 - Drive South and Battle of Pusan
William Adams: Story of the English Samurai in Japan
First Arab - Israeli War 1948
Gustavus Adolphus - Breitenfeld 1631 - 30 Years' War
Zheng He's Floating City: When China Dominated the Oceans
Fall of Acre 1191 - Third Crusade
Thomas Cochrane: Rise of Britain's Greatest Sea Captain
Great Siege of Malta 1565 - Ottoman Wars
Roman Armies and Tactics: Roman Siegecraft
Korean War 1950-1953 - Battle of Inchon 1950
Macedonian Wars: First Roman Intervention in the Hellenic Affairs
Mongols: Invasions of Vietnam 1258-1288
Tecumseh and the Prophet - Battle of Tippecanoe
Lützen 1632 - Thirty Years' War
White Huns: Rise and Decline
Pliska 811 - Byzantine - Bulgarian Wars
Arsuf 1191 - Third Crusade
Yom Kippur War 1973 - Sinai Front
Before Spartacus: Second Servile War against the Roman Republic
Cynoscephalae 197 BC - Macedonian Wars
Rise of Babylon and Hammurabi - Ancient Mesopotamia
Gokturk Empire - Nomadic Civilizations
Mongol Invasion of India - Battle of Kili 1299
Roman-Indo-Parthian Trade
Rocroi 1643 - Thirty Years' War
Roman-Chinese Relations and Contacts
Szigetvar 1566 - Ottoman Wars
Roman Army during the Crisis of the Third Century
Tecumseh and the War of 1812
Korean War 1950-1953 - Chinese Intervention 1950
Khazars: History of the Jewish Turkic Nomads
Versinikia 813 - Byzantine - Bulgarian Wars
Yom Kippur War 1973 - Golan Heights Front
Sertorius - Anti-Sulla Rebellion in Spain
Sentinum 295 BC - Roman-Samnite Wars
Cochrane against Napoleon: Battle of the Basque Roads 1809
Roman Castra - How Legionaries Built and Lived in their Fortresses
Mongol Invasions - Mamluk-Ilkhanate Wars
Malik Ambar: African King in the Heart of India
Suez Crisis 1956 - Cold War
Abritus 251 - Crisis of the Third Century
Rise of the Swiss Warriors and Mercenaries
How the Korean War Ended - Cold War
Tordesillas - How the Pope divided the world between Spain and Portugal