Lore Reyes
Known For:Directing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
Agaton & Mindy (2009)
"Agaton & Mindy" tells the story of two young dancers from different background. Mindy (Louise De Los Reyes) is from rich family and suffers from...
Scorpio Nights (1985)
In a crowded, multi-appartment house, a young student peeps on his neighbours making love and subsequently develops a steamy affair with the...
Six Degrees of Separation from Lilia Cuntapay (2012)
A professional horror movie extra prepares for her first ever acting award nomination.
Unfaithful Wife 2: Sana'y huwag akong maligaw (1999)
My Beloved is a Filipino romance drama-suspense-thriller series created and written by RJ Nuevas, under the helm of Dominic Zapata and Lore Reyes and...
Adik Sa'Yo or International Title: Love Games is a Philippine romantic comedy created and developed by Denoy Navarro-Punio for GMA Network. The show...
Urbana Genoveva Esperanza hosts a web show titled as Dear Uge where she features love stories. In the show, she also have a feeling charming...
La Vendetta is a Filipino drama-suspense-thriller series produced by GMA Network. The series premiered October 29, 2007 and concluded on January 18,...
The battle starts during the Spanish era when Apo Abukay (Gardo Versoza) wants to gain power as he plans to dominate the world. He then failed to...
A speculative fiction drama series about two races of winged humanoids. The Mulawin must fight the Ravena to protect the mortals from its wrath. It...
Te Amo, Maging Sino Ka Man or Te Amo is a Filipino drama television series created by RJ Nuevas and produced by GMA Network. The series headlines Iza...
Ang Iibigin Ay Ikaw Pa Rin is a 2003 Filipino TV series and the sequel of Ang Iibigin Ay Ikaw. From August 2007 until January 2008, it was re-aired...
Ang Iibigin Ay Ikaw or My One And Only Love is the first ever cine novela in Philippine television. It was the grandest production GMA Network ever...