Morton Lachman
Known For:Production
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:Mort Lachman
Gimme a Break! is an American sitcom which aired on NBC for six seasons, October 29, 1981, until May 12, 1987. The series stars Nell Carter as the...
Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.
Clifton Curtis has got it made—he runs a successful business he inherited from his late father and he's lucky with the the ladies—but he...
Kate & Allie is an American television situation comedy which ran from March 19, 1984, to May 22, 1989. Kate & Allie first aired on CBS as a...
Redd Foxx isn’t done scheming and wise-cracking in the spin-off to one of America's most beloved sitcoms.
Archie Bunker's Place is an American sitcom originally broadcast on the CBS network, conceived in 1979 as a spin-off and continuation of All in the...
Spencer, later titled Under One Roof, is an American teen situation comedy broadcast on NBC for one season starting in December 1984. The show...
Bagdad Cafe is an American television sitcom starring Whoopi Goldberg and Jean Stapleton. The series premiered March 30, 1990 on CBS. The show is...
No Soap, Radio is an American sitcom that aired on ABC on Thursdays from April 15 till May 13, 1982. The title was taken from an "unfunny" joke that...
In the Beginning is an American sitcom television series that aired from September 20 until October 18, 1978.
Baby Makes Five is an American comedy television series starring Peter Scolari. The series premiered April 1, 1983 on ABC.
Baby, I'm Back is an American sitcom that aired CBS from January to April 1978. The series stars former Sanford and Son star Demond Wilson, Room 222...
Gimme a Break! is an American sitcom which aired on NBC for six seasons, October 29, 1981, until May 12, 1987. The series stars Nell Carter as the...