Dave Jeser
Known For:Writing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! (2010)
When the mystery-solving musician Foxxy Love notices she and her fellow housemates can curse without being bleeped—something they've never been...
The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! (2010)
3 South is an American animated series that aired on MTV. The show focused on two lifelong friends, Sanford and Del, and their adventures at the...
Greg the Bunny is an American television sitcom that originally aired on Fox TV in 2002. It starred Seth Green and a hand puppet named Greg the...
The world's first animated reality series gathers icons from all corners of the cartoon universe and lets them loose, with plenty of cameras to catch...
The world's first animated reality series gathers icons from all corners of the cartoon universe and lets them loose, with plenty of cameras to catch...
Meet Gerald and Helen Goode, a couple who live by the motto WWAGD ("What Would Al Gore Do?"). Gerald, a college administrator, and Helen, a community...
A behind the scenes look at a half-hour hybrid comedy/talk aftershow dedicated to exploring the fandom surrounding “The Flare,” a...
A behind the scenes look at a half-hour hybrid comedy/talk aftershow dedicated to exploring the fandom surrounding “The Flare,” a...
Fanciful series about an aspiring writer who imagines alternative life scenarios while working for a big company.
Everyday people pitch pranks targeting family members, friends and co-workers to a panel of the world's greatest pranksters. Johnny Knoxville, Eric...
Comedy about one big happy family and their sometimes awkward, often hilarious and ultimately beautiful milestone moments as told by its various...
The high commander of an alien expedition lands on Earth -- what he considers to be the least-important planet -- in human form as Dick Solomon....
The high commander of an alien expedition lands on Earth -- what he considers to be the least-important planet -- in human form as Dick Solomon....
A dog named Honey leads a group of neighborhood animals in group therapy sessions.
Successful restaurateur and man-about-town Jimmy Martino is used to being the most suave, most handsome and most single person in the room. All that...
Follow the life of Peter Dragon, an egotistic Hollywood movie producer who has built his career on the three pillars of sleazy show business -...
The world's first animated reality series gathers icons from all corners of the cartoon universe and lets them loose, with plenty of cameras to catch...
DJ & the Fro is an animated series on MTV. The show focuses on two co-workers, DJ and The Fro, who work at the fictitious company Oppercon...
A behind the scenes look at a half-hour hybrid comedy/talk aftershow dedicated to exploring the fandom surrounding “The Flare,” a...